ADRA has a zero tolerance approach!
All forms of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, neglect or negligent treatment, commercial or other exploitation of a child (under the age of 18 years) and includes any actions that result in actual or potential harm to a child.
Any unwelcome sexual advance, comment, expressed or implied sexual demand, touch, joke, gesture or other communication or conduct sexual in nature, whether verbal, written or visual, by any person to another within the scope of ADRA’s work.
Abuse of a position of power or trust for sexual purposes. Actual or attempted sexual assault using force or coercion or sex.
Any unwelcome sexual advance, comment, expressed or implied sexual demand, touch, joke, gesture or other communication or conduct sexual in nature, whether verbal, written or visual, by any person to another within the scope of ADRA’s work.
ADRA has a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to any cases of Fraud & Corruption, Child Abuse, Harassment and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA).
Report any cases or incidences by submitting a form below. Each report will be treated with compassion, care and confidentiality.
If you are worried you might be wrong, don’t be! Even if it’s wrong, each and every report helps us improve our safeguarding policies.
ADRA's whistleblow procedure
Individuals can make confidential ADRA-related complaints through the whistleblowing mechanism of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The Church uses a website called Silent Whistle. Complaints made about ADRA through the Silent Whistle are received by the General Counsel at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
The General Counsel refers the complaint to the appropriate person within ADRA or its board and can communicate through the Silent Whistle with the complainant, regardless if the complaint was made anonymously or not.
To use the Silent Whistle platform, the instructions are as follows:
- Connect to the Internet from a computer outside of work.
- Visit
- Click on “Click Here” under “Wish to file an ethics/compliance incident report”.
- Search for your company’s name by inputting the first three letters of the name of the company (i.e. for ADRA, enter ADR).
- Select your company from the list provided.
- Select method of anonymous communication. (Select: “Report a Concern”, or “Follow up on a Reported Concern”).